Module 2: nouns and adjectives

Overview of module 2

Language: overview

Module 2 introduces these features of Greek:

  • functions of nouns and how cases express these functions
  • how to recognize noun forms and identify them with gender, case, and number
  • parts of speech that work with nouns or in place of nouns: the article, adjectives, pronouns, and prepositions
  • types of clauses

Ancient Greek in action: overview

Why do we use gender categories (masculine, feminine, neuter) to analyze grammatical forms? Our practice derives directly from ancient Greek grammarians, but they did not always agree on which genders or how many genders to apply to grammatical forms. Module 2 introduces us to some of the ways ancient Greeks thought about language and gender.

Practice, Reading, and Composition

We will continue with the story Euphiletos is telling in court about his marriage, and how he started to become suspicious about what was going on with his wife.

Table of contents

Encounter a historical language and culture, and engage with how they continue to shape structures of power today.
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