Module 3: participles
Practice, reading and composition based on Lysias 1, sections 16-19: an elderly woman reveals to Euphiletos that his wife is having an affair with Eratosthenes.
Overview of module 3
Module 3 introduces these features of Greek:
- the participle is a verbal expression that expresses a subordinate verbal idea, similar to a subordinate clause in English.
- the aorist and present tenses of the participle view verbal actions similarly to the finite forms of the aorist and imperfect tenses
- participles in the attributive position describe a substantive, similar to an English relative clause
- a few verbs like ἄρχω and τυγχάνω take a supplementary participle to complete the sense of the verb
- the subordinate verbal idea of circumstantial participle can express a wide range of attendant circumstances (time, causation, condition, concession…) using a noun or pronoun in the clause as its subject
- you can add an additional noun plus circumstantial participle to a clause by putting the noun in the genitive case (the “genitive absolute”)
Making Connections
Practice, Reading, and Composition