Complete paradigms of important verbs

Regular verbs

  • Complete paradigm of a thematic verb, κελεύω, κελεύσω, ἐκέλευσα, κεκέλευκα, κεκέλευμαι, ἐκελεύσθην.

‼️ Note that the σ in the sixth principal part ἐκελεύσθην is irregular. Compare the principal parts of a thematic verb with entirely predictable principle parts like κινδυνεύω, κινδυνεύσω, ἐκινδύνευσα, κεκινδύνευκα, κεκινδύνευμαι, ἐκινδυνεύθην

  • Complete paradigm of an athematic verb, δείκνυμι, δείξω, ἔδειξα, δέδειχα, δέδειγμαι, ἐδείχθην. Note that the second through sixth principal parts are entirely predictable from a stem δεικ-, and forms created from those principal parts use the same endings as thematic verbs.
  • Complete paradigm of an epsilon contract verb, ποιέω, ποιέω, ποιήσω, ἐποίησα, πεποίηκα, πεποίημαι, ἐποιήθην. All principal parts can be predictably formed from the first principal part ποιέω.

Examples of regular deponent verbs

Note on principal parts: Note that verbs with no active voice forms (called deponent verbs) will never have a fourth principal part, since the fourt part is only used to form active voice forms of the perfect system. ἡγέομαι can be used in either the middle voice (transitive active meaning) or passive voice (transitive passive meaning), and therefore has five principal parts. δύναμαι, on the other hand, only has passive forms in the aorist tense. It therefore lacks a third principal part since the third part supplies active and middle forms of the aorist system.

  • Complete paradigm of a deponent epsilon contract verb, ἡγέομαι, ἡγήσομαι, ἡγησάμην, -, ἥγημαι, ἡγήθην
  • δύναμαι, δυνήσομαι, -, -, δεδύνημαι, ἐδυνήθην
  • κεῖμαι

Irregular verbs

(Not just irregular principal parts)

  • δίδωμι
  • τίθημι
  • εἰμί
  • εἶμι
  • οἶδα


  • Complete declension of all participles or a regular verb, κελεύω, κελεύσω, ἐκέλευσα, κεκέλευκα, κεκέλευμαι, ἐκελεύσθην.
  • Complete declension of aorist participles of a second aorist verb, λαμβάνω, λήψομαι, ἔλαβον, εἴληφα, εἴλημμαι, ἐλήφθην

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