Module 1: summary of forms and grammar

New terms in this module

  • verbal expression
  • finite verb
  • tense, voice, mood, person, number
  • aspect
  • voice: active, passive, middle
  • moods: indicative, imperative, subjunctive, optative
  • principal parts
  • thematic, or -ω, verbs
  • athematic, or -μι, verbs
  • augment
  • reduplication
  • recessive accent
  • subject, verb
  • tenses: aorist, imperfect
  • first aorist, second aorist
  • compound verb
  • clause
  • coordination: coordinating conjunctions, particles
  • postpositive
  • adverb

Forming the aorist and imperfect

To form the aorist indicative in active or middle forms

  • use the third principal part
  • find the stem by dropping α/άμην from “first” aorists, or ον/όμην from “second” aorists

To form the aorist indicative in passive forms

  • use the sixth principal part
  • find the stem by dropping ην

To form the imperfect indicative in all three voices:

  • use the first principal part
  • find the stem by dropping ω/ομαι or νυμι/νυμαι

Models: aorist of δείκνμι

  Active Middle Passive
third singular ἔδειξε or ἔδειξεν ἐδείξατο ἐδείχθη
third plural ἔδειξαν ἐδείξαντο ἐδείχθησαν

Models: imperfect of δείκνμι

Person and Number Imperfect Active Imperfect Middle Imperfect Passive
third singular ἐδείκνυ ἐδείκνυτο ἐδείκνυτο
third plural ἐδείκνυν ἐδείκνυντο ἐδείκνυντο

Models: aorist of κελεύω

  Active Middle Passive
third singular ἐκέλευσε or ἐκέλευσεν ἐκελεύσατο ἐκελεύθη
third plural ἐκέλευσαν ἐκελεύσαντο ἐκελεύθησαν

Models: imperfect of κελεύω

Person and Number Active Middle Passive
third singular ἐκέλευε or ἐκέλευεν ἐκελεύετο ἐκελεύετο
third plural ἐκέλευον ἐκελεύοντο ἐκελεύοντο

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