Further Adjective Declensions

Third Declension Adjectives in -ής, -ές

The adjectives ἀληθής, ἀληθές (‘true’) and ψευδής, ψευδές (‘false’) illustrate a common variation on third-declension adjective patterns. For both of these adjectives, the stem ends in an epsilon, which contracts with the ending when the ending begins with a vowel. (Historically, the adjective stem ended with a sigma, but this dropped out between vowels.) Again, if you recall patterns you have seen in epsilon contract verbs, you’ll recognize the regular pattern beneath these surface forms: the genitive forms come frοm ἀληθε- plus the regular endings -ος (singular) and -ων (plural); the dative contracts from ἀληθε- plus the regular ending -ι, and the dative singular starts with the consonant -σι, so the epsilon of the stem is unaffected. Accusative forms also come from regular endings. In the accusative singular of masculine and feminine forms, the regular ending -α contracts with epsilon to produce -η, while the plural ending -ες contracts with epsilon and yields -εις (just like contract verbs).

Note that adjectives like ἀληθής, ἀληθές have only two sets of endings: one for both masculine and feminine forms, the other for neuter forms.

Learn the declension of ἀληθής, ἀληθές:

Case M/F Singular N Singular M/F Plural N Plural
Nominative ἀληθής ἀληθές ἀληθεῖς ἀληθῆ
Genitive ἀληθοῦς ἀληθοῦς ἀληθῶν ἀληθῶν
Dative ἀληθεῖ ἀληθεῖ ἀληθέσι ἀληθέσι
Accusative ἀληθῆ ἀληθές ἀληθεῖς ἀληθῆ

Common slightly irregular 2-1-2 adjectives

Learn also the following three very common adjectives and their only slightly irregular declensions (they are mostly 2-1-2). Irregular forms are emphasized like this for your attention.

ἄλλος, ἄλλη, ἄλλο another, other; with the article, the rest. Declines as a regular 2-1-2 adjective except for the neuter singular nominative and accusative, which is ἄλλο rather than the expected ἄλλον. Note that the accent on the penult distinguishes the neuter nominative/accusative plural ἄλλα from the conjunction ἀλλά (‘but’).

μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα big, large, great. Note the irregular forms in the masculine and neuter nominative and accusative. Otherwise a 2-1-2 declension pattern with a persistent accent on the penult.

Case M Singular F Singular N Singular M Plural F Plural N Plural
Nominative μέγας μεγάλη μέγα μεγάλοι μεγάλαι μεγάλα
Genitive μεγάλου μεγάλης μεγάλου μεγάλων μεγάλων μεγάλων
Dative μεγάλῳ μεγάλῃ μεγάλῳ μεγάλοις μεγάλαις μεγάλοις
Accusative μέγαν μεγάλην μέγα μεγάλους μεγάλας μεγάλα

πολύς, πολλή, πολύ much, many. Irregular forms also in the masculine and neuter nominative and accusative. Otherwise a 2-1-2 declension pattern with a persistent accent on the ultima.

Case M Singular F Singular N Singular M Plural F Plural N Plural
Nominative πολύς πολλή πολύ πολλοί πολλαί πολλά
Genitive πολλοῦ πολλῆς πολλοῦ πολλῶν πολλῶν πολλῶν
Dative πολλῷ πολλῇ πολλῷ πολλοῖς πολλαῖς πολλοῖς
Accusative πολύν πολλήν πολύ πολλούς πολλάς πολλά

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