Present participles of -ω (thematic) verbs

The present active participle: a 3-1-3 declension

The present participle creates a subordinate verbal expression that views the action similarly to the aspect of the finite forms of the imperfect tense. Like the imperfect tense, it uses the first principal part to construct its forms.

It uses third-declension endings for the masculine and neuter forms, and first-declension endings for feminine forms. Compare the present active participle’s pattern of nominative/genitive singular in -είς/-έντος, -εῖσα/-είσης, -έν/-έντος with the aorist active pattern -ας/-αντος, -ασα/άσης, -αν/-αντος.

Like the aorist active, the accent of the present active participle tries to persist on the antepenult.

Case, number Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative singular κελεύων κελεύουσα κελεῦον
Genitive singular κελεύοντος κελευούσης κελεύοντος
Dative singular κελεύοντι κελευούσῃ κελεύοντι
Accusative singular κελεύοντα κελεύουσαν κελεῦον
Nominative plural κελεύοντες κελεύουσαι κελεύοντα
Genitive plural κελευόντων κελευουσῶν κελευόντων
Dative plural κελεύουσι κελευούσαις κελεύουσι
Accusative plural κελεύοντας κελευούσας κελεύοντα

The present middle and passive participles: a 2-1-2 declension

Like finite verb forms built on the first principal part, the middle and passive forms of the present particle are identical. They use second-declension endings for the masculine and neuter forms, and first-declension endings for feminine forms. Compare the present active participle’s pattern of nominative singular in -όμενος, ομένη, -όμενον with the aorist middle pattern -άμενος, -αμένη, -άμενον.

Like the aorist middle, the accent of the present middle and passive participles tries to persist on the antepenult.

Case, number Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative singular κελευόμενος κελευομένη κελευόμενον
Genitive singular κελευομένου κελευομένης κελευομένου
Dative singular κελευομένῳ κελευομένῃ κελευομένῳ
Accusative singular κελευόμενον κελευομένην κελευόμενον
Nominative plural κελευόμενοι κελευόμεναι κελευόμενα
Genitive plural κελευομένων κελευομένων κελευομένων
Dative plural κελευομένοις κελευομέναις κελευομένοις
Accusative plural κελευομένους κελευομένας κελευόμενα

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