Participles: εἰμί

The only participle of the irregular verb εἰμί, “to be,” has present active forms. Its forms look like the regular endings of the present active participle.

Case, number Masculine Feminine Neuter
Nominative singular ὤν οὖσα ὂν
Genitive singular ὄντος οὔσης ὄντος
Dative singular ὄντι οὔσῃ ὄντι
Accusative singular ὄντα οὖσαν ὄν
Nominative ὄντες οὖσαι ὄντα
Genitive ὄντων οὐσῶν ὄντων
Dative οὖσιν οὖσαις οὖσιν
Accusative ὄντας οὖσας ὄντα

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